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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

word of the week #2

Because I havn't posted in a while, I decided to do a WOW (word of week not world of warcraft) special. So its time for some family words.

Word # 1
Romaji: chichi OR otousan

Word # 2
Romaji: haha OR okasan

Word # 3
Big Brother
Kanji: お兄さん OR 兄
Romaji: oniisan OR ani

Word # 4
Big Sister
Kanji: お姉さん OR 姐
Romaji: oneesan or ane

Word #5
Little Sister
Kanji: 妹 or 妹さん
Romaji: imouto or imoutosan

Word #6
Little Brother
Kanji: 弟 or 弟さん
Romaji: otouto or otoutosan

Word #7
Kanji: 祖母 or お祖母さん
Romaji: uba or obaasan

Word #8
Kanji: 祖父 or お祖父さん
Romaji: oji or ojiisan

Word #9
Kanji: 叔母さん or 叔母
Romaji: obasan or oba

Word #10
Kanji: 叔父さん or 叔父
Romaji: ojisan or oji

Well, that's all for today, but I will probably add more later.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hello everyone! Seeing as am not quite sure when I will be able to add the Hiragana spelling for the Japanese words of the week, I have decided to post a chart of Hiragana and their Romanizations. Just match the romanization of a word to the Hiragana shown to get the Hiragana spelling.
Have fun!
Chart from http://www.tokyowithkids.com/fyi/hiragana_chart.html

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Death Note Episode 1

Well, here's episode 1 of this week's anime. Enjoy!

Part 2

Part 3

Death Note

Yay, today is my first actual anime post. Well, seeing as it is probably one of my favorite animes I
have seen up to this point, I shall talk about Death Note.

Genre: Mystery, Psychological Thriller, Supernatural

Summary: Yagami Light is an ace student with great prospects, who's bored out of his mind. One day he finds the "Death Note": a notebook from the realm of the Shinigami (Death Gods), with the power to kill people in any way he desires while only requiring a name and a face. With the Death Note in hand, Light decides to create his perfect world inwhich he is god, without crime or criminals. However, when criminals start dropping dead one by one, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer, and a battle of wits, deception, and logic ensues...

The Good and The Bad: Death Note is a terrific anime with a plot that doesn't go for awhile before whithering and eventually going to whereever animes go to die. Not only is the plot great, but the characters are also amazing, both well drawn and having distinct personalities. The final good thing (without giving anything away) is that there are not any filler episodes. As far as I can tell, there are only two things that could potentially be considered bad things about Death Note and they directly relate to each other. They are the high level of darkness throughout the anime and manga as well as the lack of humor to provide some comic releif. I think that Death Note qualifies as one of the best animes of all time.

My Rating: 10/10

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

comments revised

Well, comments are up and working due to some tweaking in format =) so everyone can be happy now (except the people who hate comments above all other things)


currently, the comments are not working properly. I will inform you when the problem is fixed.
thank you

Japanese Word #1

Today's Japanese word is...fire
Romanized: Hi
Pronounced: Hee

NOTE: In the future, I will also have the Hiragana spelling of the word.

About the Blog

Hello, my name is Catruler (Tybalt reference from Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt was sometimes called the "king of cats"). On my blog "Teh Anime Critic", I will discuss, review, recommend, and generally write about anime, manga, books, and the odd game.

I will also have a weekly Japanese word and will sometimes add a short story (or blurb or whatever) of my own. In the reveiws of anime, I will also try to recommend a good place for the anime fan to find and watch the anime I'm blogging about. Also, if my readers have seen a good (or funny) anime, feel free to speak up seeing as I'm always open to suggestions.

I will probably only blog once or twice a week because I will also have other things to do, unlike some people I could name. *cough* looks at sister *cough*.

Well, sit back, relax, and enjoy the culture.

Disclaimer: If I happen not to like an anime, game, manga, book, whatever, just read on thinking "Catruler doesn't know what he's talking about" and continue reading my blog for laughs. Maybe I can regain your respect later.