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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

About the Blog

Hello, my name is Catruler (Tybalt reference from Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt was sometimes called the "king of cats"). On my blog "Teh Anime Critic", I will discuss, review, recommend, and generally write about anime, manga, books, and the odd game.

I will also have a weekly Japanese word and will sometimes add a short story (or blurb or whatever) of my own. In the reveiws of anime, I will also try to recommend a good place for the anime fan to find and watch the anime I'm blogging about. Also, if my readers have seen a good (or funny) anime, feel free to speak up seeing as I'm always open to suggestions.

I will probably only blog once or twice a week because I will also have other things to do, unlike some people I could name. *cough* looks at sister *cough*.

Well, sit back, relax, and enjoy the culture.

Disclaimer: If I happen not to like an anime, game, manga, book, whatever, just read on thinking "Catruler doesn't know what he's talking about" and continue reading my blog for laughs. Maybe I can regain your respect later.


Anonymous said...


Miles said...

That's right! Like petting me! Repeatedly!

Anne said...

I thought you were the Cat Whisperer, not the Cat Ruler. Are Miles and Nigel aware of the extent of your executive powers? I didn't remember that about Tybalt, btw. Very cool.